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Updated: Apr 1, 2020

April 1st Update - All in-clinic group classes are now cancelled until further notice (no, not an April fools joke).

Aligning with current government advice, the APA (Australian Physiotherapy Association) has recommended we no longer provide group classes until further notice. As Physiotherapy is an "essential service", we will continue to provide Physiotherapy services and one on one sessions for our patients and those in need of rehabilitation, injury and pain management. During this unprecedented time we will do our best to provide the best care to our patients under these new restrictions. Please do not worry about what this means for you. We have spent all week preparing your online classes for you to do your exercise at home, and should you need Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, we are always here.

Check out our new Online Pilates Classes here

We appreciate your understanding in these difficult times and look forward to assisting in your health and wellbeing through out this period. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have bought a membership or class pack. You will be able to put these on hold or credit them towards other bounce services. Love Matt, Paul, Kathryn and rest of the bounceFAMILY


We're taking your health very Seriously! A message from Matt and Paul - updated 23 March

Dear bounceREHAB Community,  In order to ensure the safest physical environment possible during uncertain and unprecedented times, bounceREHAB clinicians have progressively made the strictest professional amendments required proactively to continue providing our essential clinical services (of excellence) as per governing body, the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) and the Australian Gov. Department of Health. We have our finger on the pulse and in order that we have your back! Physiotherapy is deemed an essential government service and physio shall continue unaffected onsite in our Pyrmont clinic, yet with the additional bonus of TeleHealth consultations (same price) and Home Physio Visits (extra $25) for those that are not comfortable with leaving their homes, but are in need of ongoing clinical treatment.  "Pilates Reformer" and "Barre" will be reformulated into clinician only led "Exercise Therapy" classes with a distinct format change & "Physio Rehab" popular classes will continue unaffected. These very dynamic and necessary proactive changes will allow the overall physiotherapy, pilates and rehab community at bounceREHAB to continue to reach their short and long term health goals without a total interruption of their usual routine. These timetable transitions take affect immediately as at Sunday 9am, 22nd March 2020. Check out our timetable online or via the bounceREHAB Mindbody App. You may even see the return of Matt's popular Tuesday night "Rockout Rehab".  The clinicians at bounceREHAB are pleased to be in an essential and strong position to be contributing to your essential health needs. We distinctively differ to larger spaces such as gymnasiums, personal trainers or recreational centres such as pilates or yoga settings.  We know these times of uncertainty can be unsettling, bounceREHAB wants to ensure to you that we can offer our bounceREHAB community as much consistency as possible to meet your health and wellness goals through this tragic period.   All is currently well and very safe at bounceREHAB. For those of you who need to despite our diversity, we are now very excited to be offering "Online Pilates  and Exercise Therapy Classes" as a video link, through our app "bounceREHAB". 10% of the money raised per online class will go directly to our orphanage and elderly care program in Zimbabwe.  We are also offering non-essential services such as "Home Pilates Visits" (1-1 or semi private) with a small additional fee of $25. 

Check out all the details here on our new home visits and online offerings    Stay motivated and keep yourself in the best possible health, both mentally and physically in order thrive!

Sincerely, Matt, Paul and the rest of the bounceFAMILY



Our Exercise Therapy classes have been designed by our very own Titled Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist, Paul Dardagan and Titled Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Physiotherapist Matthew Craig.

We have specifically tailored these classes to aid in your health journey over the next few months. The classes are made up of a mix of strength, cardio and high intensity principles that are key to maintaining a healthy physical body.

These classes are done on your very own clean reformer that are spaced out as per the new government guidelines.

These classes are unique as you have the ability to discuss your health needs with our very own clinical instructors.

Despite our added value to you, our class prices will remain the same in order to support your health and wellbeing in this time of need.

We have also added a discounted online exercise therapy class you will be able to access everyday online through our app "bounceREHAB", available on the app store. We thank you so much for your support during this time and we hope you enjoy our new classes.

Love always, Matt, Paul and the bounceFAMILY.



As health professionals who are trained as experts in hygiene, we always work hard to ensure our clinic is kept clean and hygienic to stop the spread of germs. During this time bounceREHAB is taking extra precautions to protect all patients and staff from illness. The following steps have been adapted to reflect the recommendations by the Australian Government Department of Health guidelines on Corona Virus disease prevention.

All reformers and gym equipment are disinfected before and after each use as well as at the beginning and end of each day (over 30 times each per day).Extra hygiene items including hand sanitiser, hand soap, clean paper towels, disinfectant spray, wipes and gloves must be used before entering our space. We kindly direct all clients ensure they use these resources provided to ensure we keep our space clean.All floors are vacuumed and mopped with disinfectant multiple times daily.All surfaces including bathrooms, door handles, benches and seating are disinfected after each use.Our treatment rooms are cleaned extensively before and after each patient consultation. Our clinicians are health experts and are highly trained in hygiene protocol implementation.

These extra precautions have been established as per the guidelines of the Australian Government Department of Health and can be found via this link: 

As health professionals, we respectfully ask that any client experiencing cold and flu symptoms to please not enter the clinic for the safety of our patients.

We will continue to adapt and improve our hygiene strategies as necessary. At this stage our policy is to go above and beyond the requirements recommended in order in ensure our patients and communities health and wellbeing.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the above, please do not hesitate to talk to us.

Sincerely, Paul Dardagan Titled APA Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist MACP Masters in Sports Physiotherapy  Masters in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy (fy)  Masters in Physiotherapy Bachelors in Coaching Science  PG Cert in Sports Physiotherapy  PG Cert in Human Movement Science Masters in Business Administration in Entrepreneurship (cont) DIRECTOR Bounce Rehab PTY LTD A.C.N. 112 560 120 Matthew Craig Pinc & Steel Cancer Rehab Physiotherapist  B.App.Sci. (Physiotherapy) Masters. Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy (fy) PG Cert Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy CSCS (Strength & Conditioning Specialist)  National Advisory Board Member (CPAA) DIRECTOR Bounce Rehab PTY LTD A.C.N. 112 560 120


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